A downloadable game for Windows and Linux

Small c++ game made for the BUAS intake with the theme "collect"

# How to play

## controls

- Use [A] and [D] to walk around

- Use [Space] or [W] to jump

- Use [1][2][3] To select your weapon/tool

- Use [UP][LEFT][DOWN][RIGHT] to attack around you (note not all weapons can attack in all directions)

- Press [E] to interact (with doors)

- Press [ESC] to return to the main menu (lose progress)

## Gameplay

- Your objective is to collect as much gold as possible

- Collect gold by mining ore

- Get to the exit door alive

## Tips

- Do not die

Source code:


Spelunker.Win64.rar 3.8 MB
Release.Linux.tar.gz 11 MB


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Cool game!